One week into my newly minted retirement status, I headed south on a 3-month road trip. I've dubbed it my
"Journey of Joy." Visiting friends and family, seeing the sights, saying yes more than no, and seeking joy in new places. During my last week at home, many of my Burlington friends and relatives stopped by to say good-bye, and offer suggestions of places to visit, people to see. My favorite words of advice were from my brother-in-law, Chet Thabault, a seasoned road tripper himself:
Chet's Four Rules of Road Trips
1. Never refuse free food.
2. For lunch, go to a rest stop, look for with the family with the biggest cooler, sit near them. Start chatting, then pull out a meager-looking sandwich. Refer to Rule #1.
3. Always look up Vermonters and people from your hometown.
4. Last but not least - Plan, but not too much.
If you want to follow my route, here is a link to a map of southeastern US, and my February itinerary:
Orwell VT
Philadelphia Pa
Stuart VA
Franklin NC
Knoxville TN
Franklin NC
And even though I have beds waiting for me, with wonderful hosts planning outings, I will take Chet's advice, stepping off the beaten path along the way.