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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sunrise, Sunset

Wow! It's been almost 180 sunrises and sunsets since my last post. Shame on me, but on this rare cloudy day, I have a chance to reflect on my wonderful, restorative time here in Florida. I'll skip February -- I've blotted out the memory of the coldest, iciest, longest Vermont winter in recent memory. Instead, here are some photo highlights of my first weeks in St. Augustine.

The beach beckons

Cousin Steve Elkinton and Aunt Pat Hunt
soak in the sunset at Frank B. Butler State Park - West

Visitors Center at Timucuan Preserve on St. George Island

Sunset from Cap's on the Water restaurant,
on scenic Vilano Beach

Sunrise over a sand castle

Rainy day project with Steve
500 piece puzzle of Flagler College

Cloud sculptures graced us during my sister Christine's
weekend visit

Joining the locals for dinner at our new favorite
spot: Creekside Dinery

1 comment:

  1. Look at you... so tan and gorgeous. These are great shots of your time in St. Augustine. So happy it's been restorative. Then you get to go North and enjoy the spring and summer... more beach time.
